Are you concerned about your own spiritual well-being or the spiritual well-being of your relationships?
Do you struggle with believing in God even when He seems silent?
Have you experienced a broken relationship or trust within your community of faith, which you believed to be a sacred and safe place?
Ever felt confused about conflicting spiritual teachings and your own spiritual beliefs but are afraid to speak up?
Are you struggling with feelings of oppression , pressure, unworthiness and not being able to live up to the expectations of others within your community of faith?
We live in a broken world, yet, we are God’s children who have been gifted with a living hope. Perfection is not for this earth, but as we move toward perfection in Him, we may walk through wilderness journeys, experience “church hurts,” encounter spiritual abuses, or find ourselves in states of confusion. We sometimes just need a place to help us make sense of what is going on in our lives from a spiritual perspective.
The Bible is rich in wisdom on navigating this life, which has never been promised to be “easy”, yet so often we divert to feeling as if we are not “spiritual enough”, or we become overwhelmed by shame and guilt because we have fallen under some “religious” teachings that have lost the core message of the Word and that is the unfailing love of God.
Often we find ourselves hungering for the kind of help that is non-judgmental, accepting, and open to hearing our confusion, our struggles, our brokenness, without fear and condemnation.
If this sounds like you, reach out and let’s schedule a time to talk.